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Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 1- “Understanding Diversity” : Ncert Solutions

    1 . Draw up a list of the different festivals celebrated in your locality. Which of these celebrations are shared by members of different regional and religious communities? Ans:   Festivals shared by different regional and religious communities in our locality  are: Independence Day Republic Day Gandhi Jayanti These are our national festivals, so every Indian celebrates them irrespective of region and religion. 2.What do you think living in India with its rich heritage of diversity adds to your life? Ans:  Yes, living in India with its rich heritage of diversity adds to our life in the following ways: We know different people, their culture, customs, traditions, backgrounds. These diverse things add to our life. Geographical diversities decide our way of life, our food, our occupations and many other things. We relish our customs and traditions. 3. Do you think the term “unity in diversity” is an appropriate term to describe India? What do you think Ne...

Ncert solution class 7 chapter 2 hindi : कक्षा 7 अध्याय 2 : नए राजा और उनके राज्य


NCERT Solutions For Class 7 History Social Science Chapter 2 New Kings And Kingdoms

  1.     Match the following:   Gurjara-Pratiharas                    Western Deccan Rashtrakutas                              Bengal Palas                                              Gujarat and Rajasthan Cholas                                    Tamil Nadu     Answer:  Gurjara-Pratiharas ⇒ Gujarat and Rajasthan Rashtrakutas ⇒ ...

कक्षा 7 अध्याय 1 : हज़ारो वर्षो के दौरान हुए परिवर्तनों की पड़ताल। Ncert हल

प्रश्न 1  . अतीत में  'विदेशी' किसे  माना जाता था? उत्तर :  आज 'विदेशी' शब्द का प्रयोग ऐसे व्यक्ति के अर्थ में किया जाता है जो भारतीय नहीं है। मध्यकाल में यह किसी भी अजनबी पर लागू होता था, जो किसी दिए गए गाँव में आया  होता था, कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जो उस समाज या संस्कृति का हिस्सा नहीं था। इस अर्थ में वनवासी नगरवासी के लिए परदेशी था। लेकिन एक ही गांव में रहने वाले दो किसान एक-दूसरे के लिए विदेशी नहीं थे, भले ही उनकी अलग-अलग धार्मिक या जातिगत पृष्ठभूमि रही हो।

Class 7 History Social Science Chapter 1 : Tracing Changes Through A Thousand Years Ncert Solution

  The solutions for Chapter 1, Tracing Changes Through A Thousand Years are given below.  Question 1. Who was considered a ‘foreigner’ in the past? Answer:   The term ‘foreigner’ is used in the sense of a person who is not an Indian. In the medieval period it was applied to any stranger who appeared, say in a given village, someone who was not a part of that society or culture. In this sense a forest-dweller was a foreigner for a city-dweller. But two peasants living in the same village were not foreigners to each other, even though they may have had different religious or caste backgrounds. 2. State whether true or false: (a) We do not find inscriptions for the period after 700. (b) The Marathas asserted their political importance during this period. (c) Forest-dwellers were sometimes pushed out of their lands with the spread of agricultural settlements. (d) Sultan Ghiyasuddin Balban controlled Assam, Manipur and Kashmir. Answer: (a) False (b) True (c) True (d) Fals...

हिंदी में Ncert Solutions : Class 6th Social Science History Chapter 2 : On The Trial of the Earliest People


Class 6th Social Science History Chapter 2 : On The Trial of the Earliest People Ncert Solutions

1. Complete the sentences:      (a) Hunter-gatherers chose to live in caves and rock shelters because.............      (b) Grasslands developed around……….. years ago.      (c) Early people painted on the……… of caves.      (d) In Hunsgi, tools were made of………. Solution: they wanted to protect themselves from wild animals and bad weather. 12,000 walls limestone

Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 1 : What, Where, How and When? NCERT Solutions हिंदी में

    1.मिलान करें  नर्मदा घाटी  पहला बड़ा साम्राज्य  मगध  आखेटक  तथा संग्राहक  गारो पहाड़िया  लगभग 2500 वर्ष पूर्व के नगर  सिंधु तथा इसकी सहायक नदिया  आरम्भिक कृषि  गंगा घाटी  प्रथम नगर  उत्तर  : नर्मदा घाटी  आखेटक  तथा संग्राहक  मगध  पहला बड़ा साम्राज्य  गारो पहाड़िया  आरम्भिक कृषि  सिंधु तथा इसकी सहायक नदिया    प्रथम नगर  गंगा घाटी  लगभग 2500 वर्ष पूर्व के नगर 2. पांडुलिपियों और शिलालेखों के बीच एक प्रमुख अंतर बताओ । उत्तर :  पांडुलिपियां - वे हाथ से लिखी गई थीं, ये आमतौर पर ताड़ के पत्तों पर या हिमालय में उगने वाले द बर्च नामक पेड़ की विशेष रूप से तैयार छाल पर लिखी जाती थीं।  शिलालेख - ये पत्थर या धातु जैसी अपेक्षाकृत कठोर सतहों पर उकेरे गए लेख हैं। 2. पांडुलिपियों और शिलालेखों के बीच एक प्रमुख अंतर को सूचीबद्ध करें। उत्तर: पांडुलिपियां - वे हाथ से लिखी गई थीं, ये आमतौर पर ताड़ के पत्तों पर या हिमालय में उगने वाले द बर्च नामक पेड़ की विशेष रूप से तैया...

Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 1 : What, Where, How and When? : NCERT Solutions

  1.Match the following Narmada Valley The first big kingdom Magadha Hunting and gathering Garo Hills Cities about 2500 years ago Indus and its tributaries Early agriculture Ganga valley The first cities Answer : Narmada Valley Hunting and gathering Magadha The first big kingdom Garo Hills Early agriculture Indus and its tributaries The first cities Ganga valley Cities about 2500 years ago 2.List one major difference between manuscripts and inscriptions. Answer: Manuscripts – They were written by hand, these were usually written on palm leaves or on the specially prepared bark of a tree known as The Birch, which grows in the Himalayas. Inscriptions – These are writings engraved on relatively hard surfaces such as stone or metal. 3. Return to Rasheeda’s question. Can you think of some answers to it? Answer: One can think of 4 different ways Inscriptions Manuscripts Tools and weapons Reading the books written in the past. 4.   Make a list of all objects that archaeologists may f...

Class 6 Geography Chapter 5 : Major Domains Of The Earth : NCERT Solution हिंदी में

  1. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर संक्षेप में दें। (क )  पृथ्वी के चार प्रमुख डोमेन क्या हैं ? उत्तर -  पृथ्वी के प्रमुख डोमेन              स्थलमंडल              वायुमंडल               हीड्रास्फीयर               जीवमंडल (ख )  पृथ्वी के प्रमुख महाद्वीपों के नाम लिखिए। उत्तर-  पृथ्वी के प्रमुख महाद्वीप निम्नलिखित हैं -            एशिया            यूरोप            अफ्रीका             उत्तरी अमेरिका             दक्षिण अमेरिका            ऑस्ट्रेलिया             अंटार्कटिका (ग )  उन दो महाद्वीपों के नाम बताइए जो पूरी तरह से दक्षिणी गोलार्ध में स्थित हैं। उत्तर-   दो महाद्वीप जो पूर्णतया दक्षिणी गोलार्द्ध में स...

Class 6 Geography Chapter 5 Major Domains of the Earth : NCERT Solutions

 Ncert Solutions :   1. Answer the following questions briefly. (a) What are the four major domains of the earth?            Ans .      Major Domains of the Earth Lithosphere Atmosphere Hydrosphere Biospher (b) Name the major continents of the earth. Ans .      Major continents of the Earth Asia Europe Africa North America South America Australia Antarctica (c) Name the two continents that lie entirely in the Southern Hemisphere. Ans .   Two continents lying entirely in the Southern hemisphere are: Australia and Antarctica (d) Name the different layers of the atmosphere. Ans .  Layers of (the) Atmosphere Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere Exosphere (e) Why is the earth called the ‘blue planet’? Ans .  The Earth is called the blue planet because, it is the only planet (so far) which has water, it looks blue from the sky because of presence of water on it. (f ) Why is the Nort...